Recent Offices

Shirli Zamir Design Studio used natural and bright materials to create an elegant feel at…

Duman Architects was tasked with giving the Ada Denim offices a sophisticated space that highlights…

UStudies Architects designed a sleek and minimal space for the Linmon Pictures offices in Beijing,…

A boldly designed, yet highly collaborative and connected space, Absorb's office delivers a 'live their brand' experience fit to inspire their Calgary-based employees.

Luxurious materials and premier finishes give the August Debouzy office in Paris a timeless look and feel to avoid the risk of a passé environment in the years to come.

Estilo Interiors used greenery to create warmth throughout the Mapp offices in London, England. Staff…

BIT CREATIVE Barnaba Grzelecki delivered DXC Technology creative work solutions at their offices in Warsaw, Poland….

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Education Snapshots

Inside Metropolitan Community College's Digital Express by Holland Basham Architects

Hospitality Snapshots

Tour Terra Restaurant by YOD Group